There is a lot that I have to say about building hobbies, sticking by your hobbies, taking time for your hobbies, learning new hobbies, and so much more. But this time I have decided to give you a listicle which is short and concise, and which hopefully gives out the right message. Go through the below points to see how hobbies can help you in medical school and pick any three strong reasons which motivate you to follow a hobby. I know your studies are vital, and adding time for your hobbies will only enhance your performance in medical school. Believe me! I have spent five years in medical school, take my word for it.
1. It helps you with time management. The medical school schedule can occupy most of your day, which is why if you wish to follow your hobby, you have to make time for that. Thus, it enhances your time management skills efficiently. For the longest time, I made excuses to make time for anything else other than studies. I soon learnt that everything fits in well with effective time management. Time management helps you not just in medical school but also as a healthcare professional who has to take care of a lot of responsibilities.
2. It helps you to serve. The beauty of the medical profession is the opportunity to serve others. However, during the medical school training, it will take time for you to reach up to that stage when you can independently make decisions for the patients. So, to not miss out on this beautiful feeling, you can share your creative skills with others. Start with your juniors; teach them something which you are good at.
3. It gives you a break from your studies. Studies can get intense with all the lectures, tests and rotations. So, hobbies give you a nice and refreshing break from the routine.
4. It prevents you from getting into bad habits. Medical students and IITians are infamous for falling into bad habits in college. It is better to dedicate yourself to productive hobbies rather than falling under a trap of harmful addictions or just merely wasting your time.
5. It can earn you more recognition through various awards or titles. Whether sports or making sketches, there’s always scope to participate in events and competitions. It will earn you brownie points from the faculty.
6. It makes you more patient. There’s always a learning curve for every new skill which makes you more patient, and patience is the cherry on the cake when you are in a profession that deals with patients. Even when you have well mastered the basketball game, there is always something more to work forward and patience is the key.
7. It increases your confidence. Your confidence will automatically reflect in your gestures. You do not have to put in any extra efforts. When you are good at something and you know your capabilities, the confidence shines out.
8. You can monetise your hobby to earn money. For instance, if your hobby is sketching, you can either organise an exhibition or make customised sketches and sell them. Nobody minds extra pocket money.
9. Helps you to be mindful. Mindfulness is a practice of being in the now, just like meditation. For someone who did not buy the idea of sitting and focusing on the breath, then practising your hobby will be equivalent to that. Every little detail that you are conscious about is mindfulness – it is the time when you are mindful about every move in the game.
10. Keeps you motivated. Use your hobbies as a reward after completing the essay or after finishing 3 hours of studies. It will keep you motivated to get work done and after a hefty study session you can enjoy following your hobby.
11. It helps you to socialise. Hobbies help you with building connections with people (students, residents, faculty) who have the same interest as you. I have seen it in my medical school where the professors, students, residents all come together for playing their favourite sports. Building a relationship with the seniors always smoothens up your experience when you get to the clinical postings.
12. You can make new friends. Not just medical fraternity but you get a chance to interact with people from different streams. If I share a blog about my recipe on Instagram, I connect with so many more people who loved it, and I get to learn exciting and new recipes from them as well.
13. It avoids burn out. Student burn-out is real, especially in medical school. Nobody wants to get through that harsh feeling of being an imposter. I hope that never happens to you. Give time to yourself and take out time to do what you love.
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