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Gazala Hitawala

MBBS Practical Exam Free Resources (year wise)

MBBS university exams are about to start in a few weeks. Most likely, this month most of the MBBS student around the country are combating the Pre-University exams. A good proportion of both the exams is the practical/ clinical exams as well. In my previous posts I have talked about the university exams in detail, but the practical exam were left to be covered separately in a series of articles. So, with this article I am trying to give you a list of free resources for the practical exams during MBBS. I have tried to compile all the high yield resources and sorted them for your ease. Specially! considering that most of the classes this year were virtual, you might not have had the chance to learn through live classes. Thus, the below resources are a mix of documents, slides and videos to give you the best learning experience. I hope that this could be of help for you. In the second part of this post, I will discuss about how to prepare for the practical exams.


Anatomy –

1. Dissection –

3. Bones

Physiology –

Biochemistry –

1. Viva


Pathology –

2. Gross specimen – Part I, Part II, Part III

Microbiology –

1. Spots

Pharmacology –

1. Viva

Forensic –

1. Spots



2. Cases


2. Drugs

Community Medicine



2. Cases


1. Instruments – Instruments, more instruments, video.

2. Cases


2. Cases


1. Instruments – instruments, more..

2. Drugs

3. Cases

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. Christian D Larson

The second part of this post will be coming up next week, where I will discuss about the preparation for the practical exams. See you there..

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